Avoid unstable server builds using version control and bundles

Bad server build

When a server doesn't build

Software versions are released constantly, but not all versions play nice. Bundles of compatible software versions will create stability.

This is especially true when working with R or Python modules. I use puppet and the default state to install package is installed. When using providers using yum or apt, installed means latest if the package is not installed already.

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puppet camp london june 2017

Puppetcamp London

Puppetcamp, London

This week I attended and spoke again, at PuppetCamp London 2017. We enjoyed some interesting talks off the back of the State of Devops report, and the DevOps Enterprise Summit.

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code quality

This week’s focus is on code quality. This is where the code that we create is clear and uniform for the purposes of making it easier to maintain.

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email and alerts

Following on from last weeks post about monitoring, the next logical step is having the system create alerts when a threshold is breached.

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Our team run morning checks every day to ensure the development environments have been deployed successfully from our automation schedule. The quickest indicator is a dashboard using dashing and uchiwa which has a tile for each role in the environment with a helpful red or green status. Of course if it isn’t green, the team then go to diagnose why and quickly resolve the build error(s).

uchiwa dashboard

Monitoring with Uchiwa

This dashboard is made possible by having smoke tests on each server, reporting back to sensu, without this vital step, my support guys would be blind.

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